Monday, August 6, 2012

Enlarging Harem

Dude, if he's THAT big in real life he must be be skewering girls left and right! rotflmfao.
Been watching all the Chris Evans movies I can get my hands on lately. Most recent one being What's Your Number? He's naked a LOT in that one, though you only ever get to see his ass. Still worth the rental fee though for that alone, but the story/plot was good too. You can thank all the Captain America fanfiction I've been reading for that. I look at one fic, turns out to be good, then it starts a whole snowball effect and the next thing you know-BOOM! Yet another name to add to my growing list of my fictional bishounen harem members. (Harem is fictional, some members are too, but some members are actual people.)
Did you know he was the jock in Not Another Teen Movie and the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four movies? If so, kudos. If not, don't feel bad, I forgot too!
Not much else to say. Found some funny pics that I thought I'd share:
LOL. Poor Matt

 Presidential Hair


Thursday, July 26, 2012


Nothing much to say here. Transferred to the Art Institute Online for the animation course. My dreams of becomming an animator for Disney or Studio Ghibli are now one step closer whilst my student loans and debt continue to increase. So it's a double-edged sword.
Been keeping up on all things Robert Carlyle and OUaT whilst adding in a new interest in Chris Evans and Captain America fanfiction. Did not know he also played the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four movies and the one jock guy from Not Another Teen Movie. Interesting surprise there. Looking forward towards watching another of his films What's Your Number? as it has several scenes with him naked in them. They don't show the goods, but you get a nice view of his ass, so that's nice.
Also, just discovered the Catbus installation at the Studio Ghibli Museum in Japan. *Insert fangirl squeal.* See an online article about it and the rest of the Ghibli museum at Halcyon Realms.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Recently joined YouTube. Here's my videos thus far for those who care:
One about my most embarrassing moment EVER:
And the newest one with me going all fangirl over OUaT:
In other news, bought Formula 51 on DVD the other day. Samuel L Jackson in a freak'n kilt + Robert Carlyle = FUN TIMES! Also, would like to pimp out my friend's Rumpel/OC fanfic and her Ariel/Rumpel/Eric fanfic. MUST READS for all Rumpel fans! Check them out.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fun Times

So I went with my husband to this ROH wrestling event near Pittsburgh on Saturday so he could get Bruno Sammartino's autograph. Well, aside from it being two and a half hours away from where where we live we also had to drive in over 90°F weather with no AC. Next we got lost for half an hour because MapQuest is incompetent and the Ice Gardens's sign was near in-freak'n-visable from the road it's on. To top it off by the time we got back to our car (around midnight) we find that our battery is dead. JOY.
So we go in to get a jump from the employees and they assure us that they'll help and to just go back outside and wait by our car. So we do so and we wait for 45 minutes while everyone else is leaving the event, stupidly believing that we'd get our promised help, until we notice them close up shop and lock-down the place. *Insert tirade of swear words.* Now, being left to fend on our own we end up having to call a tow-truck to jump start us. It takes the truck 25 minutes to get there then another 30+ to finally get enough juice in our engine for it to start.
Finally back on the road we end up back near home only to get lost again because it's dark and North Lima supposedly doesn't believe in clearly marking their roads with stuff like street signs. So we wonder around the country side for what seems like an eternity until we see a road we think might be the one we need, even though it's not marked, and finally return home by 2AM. We shower, brush our teeth and whatnot and finally manage to get in bed by 4AM. Needless to say that autograph better be damn well worth it to my husband for all the shit we had to endure just to get it.
 A day or two passes and then we're up for round two. We moved into our current house around the beginning of last November and have been unable to get rid of our old house in the ghetto (because that's what Youngstown's south side is) thus far. My mother-in-law (who we've lived with for the past 6+ years) goes to the old house to mow the lawn and finds the front door wide open. Lovely. So, fearing that their might be some gang-bangers or drug addicts inside she drives the four or so blocks to her ex-husband's house (my husband's father) to get his help. He's not home so she calls the cops and they inspect the house. Nobody was there, they tell her, but all the stuff we'd left there had been gone through and the electric meter was broken off and MIA. (Who the freak steals an electric meter from a house? SERIOUSLY! How the heck did they even bust it off to begin with?) Long story short my mother-in-law ends up using some old fence posts to board up the house untill she can get something more stable.
Round three came last night when we had a tornado warning from around 10-11:45PM then again from like around Midnight-1:30AM. Needless to say the cat and dog were about as much thrilled with this as us humans were. My mother-in-law was particularly happy seeing as she had to be at work today around 6AM. Fun times were had by all. (Not the sarcasm in that last sentence.)
So now I'm stuck waiting to see what fun filled event God has in plan for us next whilst I work on completing my makeup work for my Medieval England history class. Yet another fun time I'm having. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find primary resources, let alone ones written/translated into English, on the Church's distaste for jousting in England between the 12th and 14th centuries? Dang near freak'n impossable, unless you wanna fork over ≥$50USD to buy them online.
Edit: Oh yeah, and stupid Blogger is screwing around with the size of the text in this post, even though I've tried resetting it to normal size about half a dozen times now. Gerr...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Scottish Fever

Been watching more of Robert Carlyle's movies. Summer, The Mighty Celt, Once Upon a Time in the Midlands, Plunkett and Macleane, Class of '76, and Priest. Not all in that order. I plan on watching everything of his I can, what Netflix doesn't have YouTube should. So by the end of summer I hope to have watched all of his movies and TV shows.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Full Monty

Rented The Full Monty on Amazon. MUST SEE for Robert Carlyle fans. I would've DIED to be in the crowd when this was filming. Though I don't think I would've been able to stop laughing in embarrassment. Please note I had to directly download the following clip from my PC onto this site, because YouTube flagged it when I had on there. Hopefully Blogger won't care as much.
And you can thank Once Upon A Time for my new infatuation with Robert Carlyle. (He's too damn cute for being over 50.) He's SO GREAT as Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold, I decided I had to check out his other works. *Sigh.* Too bad most of the aren't on Netflix. But Stargate Universe and Trainspotting are! He's good in them too, and Trainspotting also has Ewan McGragor! I just wish I understood more of the Scottish accent, as I only comprehended 80-90% of what was being said in that movie. Here are some funny OUAT Rumpel demotivational pictures:
I've also been reading some Rumpel/OC romance fanfics as of late. If anybody knows of a good Rumpel/OC or Rumpel/Belle fic feel free to recommend it and I'll check it out. I also have a few yummy Robert Carlyle stills and two more scenes of him dancing from The Full Monty on my PC if anybody wants me to share them. Just email me and include something about The Full Monty or Robert Carlyle in the subject so I don't confuse it for spam.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


So far I've watched all of Girls Bravo, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Bo Burnham's Words, Words, Words along with about half of Boys Over Flowers and three episodes of My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho. It's weird, but  Lee Seung Gi (in My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho) looks like an Asian Rupert Grint (AKA-Ron Weasley). So now I'm semi-addicted to Korean TV shows, I just wish Netflix had more Japanese TV shows and movies. Particularly ones with Kenichi Matsuyama.

Meanwhile my husband has taken a liking to King of the Hill. "Why didn't you tell me this show was so funny?" Umm...maybe because you mock almost everything I say is good? Duh. But still, it's nice to have a show we can watch together and both enjoy. Other then that, I'm gonna have to catch up on Americas Got Talent on my DVR. Oh! I'm also looking forward to the second season of Teen Wolf and the new season of Royal Pains.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Of Movies and Mothers

Watched The Vow last night with my mother-in-law. Was surprised to find out it was based on a true story. Good Story+Talented Actors(and Actresses)=Great Movie. Standing Tall, however, was mildly entertaining at best. I watched tonight with my mother-in-law and was immediately unimpressed. The acting was sub-par and the story WAY TOO religious centered for my taste. Not that there is anything wrong with religion, I was just hoping for something more, well...MORE. The ending bit big time too, as it seemed to have a depressing/cliffhanger end. Other then that, hope everyone enjoys there Mother's Day.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Just watched the first Bleach movie on YouTube, as I only got to see parts of it when it was on Cartoon Network. SPOILER: The ending made me cry a little. I hope Senna comes back in some shape or form. Maybe she is reincarnated? Dunno. END SPOILER. Planning on watching the next ones within the following days, though it may take me longer. Real life always tend to get in the way of funner anime/manga, fanfiction, video games, movies, TV, etc. I also hope to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes with my husband by the end of the week, providing I can pull him away from watching WWE and his horror movie marathon.
In other news, I also recently watched an adorable Japanese movie, Rabbit Drop, on YouTube. I tried finding it on Amazon first, but it's not listed on the Englsih speaking site. So I was forced to settle for watching over the Internet on my monitor instead of on my sizably larger HGTV. Anyways, the movie has Kenichi Matsuyama (AKA: L in the live action Death Note movies) as one of the lead roles, so you know it has to be at least somewhat decent to watch by that fact alone. So if you like Matsu-Ken (Kenichi's childhood nickname), Japanese films, and don't subtitles, I'd HIGHLY recommend watching it. (See below.)

Saturday, May 5, 2012


So you know that feeling when you finally find out someone you graduated high school with is in the NFL? Well, I do. I think he's been for maybe a year or two and I only just found this out today...私は馬鹿です。
In other news turns out our house is infested with spiders and centipedes...JOY! Exterminator will come out tomorrow to (hopefully) fix that though, so should be all good. Also, found random bruise on my leg and I'm not sure how it got there. Seems to happen a lot to me...T_T'

Monday, April 23, 2012

As of Late...

Nothing much to say. It's going to be the anniversary of my first date with my husband (and first date EVER!) this Wednesday. So, per the usual, we're going to do the same thing we did that first time six years ago. See a movie and then go to Chuck-E-Cheese and climb in the kid's playhouse/tube-thingy. Same theater and same CEC as the first time too. Seems cheesy, pardon the pun, but it's real fun.
In other news, Ive been watching the following shows as of late (in no particular order):
Once Upon A Time
Fairly Legal
The Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
Only in America With Larry the Cable Guy
Two and a Half Men (Not bad, but was WAY BETTER with Charley Sheen)
Iron Man: Armored Adventures

The ones in red are all new series that I've started watching, while the blue ones are shows that I've been watching for some time now that have new seasons out.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Haven't updated in like for-freak'n-eva! Sorry 'bout that.

Didn't get to go to Japan. Stupid USPS guaranteed the delivery of our papers to the Japanese embassy in Chicago by 3PM the next day, took them THREE days! Our $#*t was late, so we couldn't get our visas in time. >_<* Then while waiting another semester to get to go my husband's social anxiety begins to go into overdrive and he decides he doesn't want to go because it's too scary. T_T' I'm not going without him. HE was the Japanese major, not me. And if I had any chance of passing the Japanese language class at JCMU it was with him there by my side helping me. Japan. That blows uber big time.

Oh well...Que sara, sara...

On some better notes: husband and I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas. SCORE! And my 26 birthday was the other day. Got some cool gifts, amongst which was Final Fantasy XII-2 for our PS3. UBER SCORE!